Premier Miton has launched its managed portfolio service (MPS), to be led by Ian Rees, head of the multi-manager team. The service will offer two actively managed portfolio ranges – Index and Blend – with target OCFs of 0.25% and 0.45% respectively.
Four portfolios each will be available as part of the Index and Blend funds, which are expected to go live across several investment platforms this year.
The Premier Miton Liberation fund, which currently holds £87.9m in assets, will be included as “core part” of each fund in the Blend range. This will give investors access to more specialised investments not usually available through an MPS, the firm said.
The Index range will be a made up of trackers selected by the Premier Miton team, while the Blend portfolio will use both active and passive strategies.
Jonathan Wilcocks, global head of distribution at Premier Miton said the launch of the MPS range was due to an “increasing demand from advisors” for “cost-effective investment solutions”.