R-squared – or the coefficient of determination – is a statistical measure that represents the percentage of a fund or security's movements that can be explained by movements in a benchmark index. Ranging from 0 to 1, a higher r-squared value indicates a high degree of correlation between the investment and the benchmark.
For investors, r-squared is useful in determining how closely an investment follows the market or a particular benchmark. A high r-squared (close to 1) suggests that the investment's performance closely mirrors the benchmark, which can be important for index funds or when assessing how well a fund manager is tracking their benchmark.
While a useful indicator of correlation, r-squared does not measure the quality of an investment's performance. An investment can have a high r-squared but still underperform its benchmark. Additionally, a low r-squared may indicate a more active management style, which could be preferred by investors seeking diversification away from market indices.
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